Quantitative Reasoning
Students analyze the uses of math in everyday life and are guided to think critically.
Lesson 1 : Sampling
- Identifying Population
- Biased & Non-Biased Sampling
- Random Samples
Lesson 2 : Descriptive Statistics
- Types of Graphs
- Mean
- Median
- Standard Deviation
- Quartiles
Lesson 3 : Normal Distributions
- Standard Deviation
- Analyzing Graphs
- 68-95-99.7 Rule
Lesson 4 : Probability
- Empirical & Theoretical Probabilities
- Odds
- Expected Values
Lesson 5 : Confidence Interval
- Normal Distribution
- Margin of Error
- Calculating Changes
in Standard Deviation
Lesson 6 : Finance
- Interest Formulas
- Simple Interest
- Compound Interest
- Future Value of an Annuity
- Present Value of an Annuity
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Lesson 7 : Graph Theory
- Euler Circuit
- Hamiltonian Circuit
- Spanning Tree
Lesson 8 : Voting
- Preference Schedules
- Plurality
- Borda Count
- Sequential Pairwise Elimination
- Approval Voting
Subject Matter Expert
Robin Rufatto
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